Mary The Co-Redemptrix | May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary | May 18

 May 18

MARY: THE CO-REDEMPTRIX "It is with good reason that the popes have called Mary co-redemptrix. ‘So fully, in union with her suffering and dying Son, did she suffer and nearly die; so fully, for the sake of the salvation of all souls, did she abdicate the rights of a mother over her Son, and im­molate him, insofar as it was in her power, to satisfy the justice of God, that it can rightly be said that she redeemed mankind to­gether with Christ.' This gives us a deeper understanding of that moment in the Passion of our Lord on which we shall never tire of meditat­ing: Stabat autem iuxta crucem Iesu mater eius, ‘There, standing by the cross of Jesus, was his mother.'" Let us offer to our Mother today: Five small hidden sacrifices in honor of the five major wounds of our Lord.
